Ozan Karakoc

No Boundaries

“Graphic designers are artists too, but most of the time, what they do cannot be considered as ‘art’ since their job is all about thinking strategically, telling stories, solving problems and convincing audiences. Even though I find that process fascinating and I’m absolutely in love with creative branding, sometimes i would like to step back and create something freely, without any boundaries, strategies or maybe even meaning. I believe that those are the rare moments when we, designers, can borrow the title ‘artist’.” — Ozan Karakoc

10 Beauty Icons of Hollywood

“Hollywood sky has always been the home of shining stars. This project is a tribute to 10 of many legendary actresses who shone there and inspired people from all across the globe. Ladies and gentlemen; will you please give a big round of applause for Rita Hayworth, Ava Gardner, Audrey Hepburn, Jean Arthur, Sophia Loren, Brigitte Bardot, Marilyn Monroe, Ruby Keeler, Grace Kelly and Greta Garbo.”



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